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The Revelation of Revelations

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The Revelation of Revelations
The Revelation of Revelations
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(Approx $399.07)
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Magnum Opus Hermetic Sourceworks No: 10

Jane Leade was a significant English mystic of the late 17th century, whose writings have unfortunately been much neglected. She operated within the esoteric tradition initiated by Jacob Boehme, yet her works are deeply rooted in her own independent mystical visions. In this early work, she offers an interpretation of the Book of Revelation, uncovering sources of inner inspiration and spiritual alchemy, rather than focusing on apocalyptic hellfire and millennialist destruction. Leade was a mystic characterised by great peace of soul and gentleness of vision.

Date Published: 1981

Page Number: 77

Cover Type: Handbound Leather hardback

Illustration: 13 black and white Woodcuts from the Apocalypse Series by Albrecht Durer (1498)

Edition: Limited 

Signed by: Adam McLean

(Gold foil on spine faded)

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