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The Square Magazine March 2013

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SKU: SQU032013
(Approx $3.80)
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From the Editor

Photographic Credits

The Grand Masters of 1813

John Belton - The Union between the Antients and the Moderns of 1813 - the events that led to it, why it happened, and how the other Orders were affected by what took place.

The Masonic Recollections of a Colonial Servant in Southern Africa, 1963-1972

Professor William Ramsden, QC - The life and times of a Freemason and lawyer in Swaziland.

Articles of Union:  The Physical Documents

Yasha Beresiner - An examination of the actual documents comprising the Articles of Union of 1813

When is a Celebration not a Celebration?

Richard Collins - Why is Supreme Grand Chapter celebrating three years too early?

Square Comment - The origins of the Royal Arch Degree

Jeffrey Monnickendam & Ian J Thorpe - In the December issue, Ian Thorpe offered a personal view of the Royal Arch, which has prompted this response by Jeffrey Monnickendam and a riposte from Ian Thorpe.

The Square Debate - To learn by rote - or to read?

Turning Point - A debate is emerging regarding rote learning versus reading of the ritual.

A Masonic Passport?

Archie Walls - In 1914 Globe Lodge No. 23 made available to any of its members, serving overseas, a document confirming their membership of the Craft.

Masonic references in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's writings

The Working Tools Magazine - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was the author of fifty-six short stories and three novels with Sherlock Holmes and ?John H. Watson M.D., as the principal characters.

Three Masonic Writers - William Preston : George Oliver :  Walter Leslie Wilmshurst

Ann Pilcher-Dayton - A short survey of three of the major writers on Freemasonry, from three different periods of its history, and an evaluation of their contributions.

Seven habits of highly successful Lodges

Tony Harvey - Feedback from a number of Provinces suggests there are seven common features that distinguish Lodges which are successful and thrive.

A Matter of Principle

Jonathan Todd - It does not feel morally right to exclude women from Lodges working under the United Grand Lodge of England.

Caricature - Thomas Firth Jackson

Steve Chadburn - One of a series of caricatures of leading Freemasons.

Point of View: Reflections on half a century

Pat Streams - After more than 50 years of membership of the Craft an enthusiastic Mason looks back on what might have been.

Revisiting Ritual: '...as a Craftsman you are expected to make the liberal Arts and Sciences your future study...'

Reverend Neville Barker Cryer - Certain phrases in our ritual are so often encountered and so easily repeated that we do not always realise the full content of what has been said.

The 47th Problem of Euclid

Fred Lomax - One of a Series of 5 Minute Talks

Letters & Emails to the Editor

Spring of Acacia

Leslie Felgate Dring and John Wallace Mitchell are both remembered.

Brother Brother's Journal

Michael Halleran - Beginner's Luck - ?The recollections of a nineteenth century American gentleman of the Craft

Symbolism of the Rose

Wynn Westcott - The work of great Masonic giants written many years ago are as relevant today as they were when first published.

Ashlar Chippings

Hugh O'Neill - Snippets of Masonic miscellanea.

A Taste of Toye Kenning & Spencer

Toye Kenning & Spencer, regularly opens the doors of its Birmingham and Bedworth manufacturing facilities to Masons wishing to see how the aprons, chains of office and other regalia are produced.

Your Masonic Questions Answered

Graham Redman - Some interesting questions on Masonic procedure and protocol answered by the acknowledged expert in the field.

Affirming Life

Julian Rees - The imperative burden to affirm all life, to value all life, to embrace all life. Only then will we be true to the principles of the Fellow-Craft journeyman.

Musings of an Old Mason: Freemasonry Cares

Has the time come for a radical review of the charities and their cost to Freemasonry?

Square Culture: Humour, Poetry and Art

The cultural side of Freemasonry.

Seriously but not solemnly...

John Acaster - Our Masonic art is deep and unique. That fact need not, should not, condemn us to be solemn. But unless we recognise and honour the amazing primary foundations of the Craft we skate perilously upon thin ice.

Book Reviews

Richard Collins - The English Masonic Union of 1813 - A Tale of Antient and Modern - John Belton

Martin Roche - Fred's Five Minute Talks - Your Masonic Questions Answered - Fred Lomax

The QC Column

Gordon Davie - A regular update from the premier Lodge of Research.


Keeping you Masonically up to date.

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