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The Square Magazine - March 2014

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SKU: SQU032014
(Approx $5.08)
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Customer Reviews

From the Editor

Sir Francis Dashwood,  The Hell Fire Club and the Caves of West Wycombe
David Harrison - An infamous character and an infamous club, linked to freemasonry.

Avra Kedavra - It's Sheamus O'Potter...
Gareth Walsh - A masonic temple transformed into Hogwart's school of wizadry.

There are historians and then there are masonic historians
Bob James - Some thoughts about masonic research from our Australian colleagues.

Obligations or Oaths?
Fred Lomax - An area of great contention is discussed.

100 years of  The University Lodge of Hong Kong No.3666
Mark MacAlpine - Some snippets from a book to be published.

Freemasons and Civil Society
John Belton - A regular contributor shares his thoughts on masonic principles.

An Interview with Robert Lomas
One of the most successful masonic authors shares his life and thoughts.

Robert Burns - the freemason
Mike Karn - Aspects of Burns the freemason and the influence of freemasonry on his success.

The Masonic Bridge Of Dunkeld
Kenneth Jack - A simple bridge with an interesting masonic story.

A Daily Advancement
Bro Ronald Ng - A brother shares his excitement after reading an old minute book.

Order of Railway Conductors: A New Member is Initiated in 1904

Scottish Rite Museum - A quasi-masonic association with a familiar ritual.

Ashlar Chippings
Hugh S O'Neill - Snippets of Masonic miscellanea.

A Folk Art Portrait of John Coustos, Masonic Hero ..... from the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library
An interesting artefact and masonic story.

Atkinson Ritual and why you should be using it
John Atkinson - A pragmatic approach to learning and presenting ritual.

Masons and the British Empire
Paul Calderwood - Reflections from the author's Prestonian lecture for 2013.

The Ritual of English Freemasonry
Steven J. Smith - Where does it originate from, why is it performed and why is it important it is performed properly?

But Which Premier Grand Lodge Ought Freemasons to Celebrate?
Charles Lawrence - The author suggests that 1717 is the wrong date to celebrate.

Notes on "Hele"
Yoshio Washizu - A dedicated masonic researcher presents the depth of analysis over a single word.

Of the importance of Masonic Recognition
John Acaster - Reflections from a regular contributor.

Your Masonic Questions Answered
Graham Redman - Some interesting questions on Masonic procedure and protocol answered by the acknowledged expert in the field.

The Musings of an Old Mason
Pat Streams - More reflections from one who has been there and done that.

Square Culture: Masonic Poetry
The cultural side of Freemasonary.

Books Reviews
In Search of That Which Was Lost True Symbolism of the Royal Arch?by Duncan Moore  Mike Karn
The Lewis Guide to Masonic Symbols
by Robert Lomas  Julian Rees
The Sword of Moses
by Dominic Selwood  Andrew Farleigh
The Goat, the Devil and the Freemason
by David West  Tony Baker

The QC Column
Gordon Davie - A regular update from the premier Lodge of Research.

Masonic meeting on board a Cruise liner
Peter Kok - When masons meet they form a club.

Prestonian Jewel Ceremony and Lunch
Thirteen Prestonians meet for a jewel ceremony.

Red Cross of Constantine
Michael Adams - News from the order.

Mariners Lodge No 249 Liverpool, - 200th Punchbowl and Jug Celebration
Fred Lomax - An interesting event from an old lodge.

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