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The Square Magazine December 2013

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The Square Magazine December 2013


The Bicentenary of the Constitution of the United Grand Lodge of England
Richard Collins - A celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the constitution of UGLE.

Freemasons assist in the dedication of the Memorial Stone of Leicester Town Hall, August 1874
Andrew R. Green - A description of an event from a time when Freemasons took a more active and public part in civic life.

Harold Gould - One of my other interests is...
Kari  Lundgren - Eighteen months down a coal mine and a smashed ankle led to fifteen years in politics - just one of the other interests of one of our most senior Masons.

'There is a Tide in the Affairs of Men'
John Belton - Matters of Recognition
Regularity, Inter-visitation and Recognition test Masonic values either side of the Atlantic.

Freemasonry - What's the Point?
Richard Antony - A Masonic Talking Heads, with apologies to Alan Bennett.

The Tunnels of Joseph Williamson and an Masonic Enigma
David Harrison - The tunnels of Joseph Williamson in Liverpool suggest they may have acted as an eccentric folly, and possibly used as a secret meeting place for like-minded gentlemen.

As we were seen: Freemasonry and the Press
Paul Calderwood - The way in which Freemasonry was portrayed in the national press in England and Wales during the twentieth century is the subject of this year's Prestonian Lecture.

Nailer, Jailer, Yeoman, Sailor: the life & times of of John Dorrington, Grand Commander
Rod Taylor - John Dorrington was principally responsible for preserving the Royal Ark Mariner Degree at a time when it might otherwise have been lost.

The Masonic Order of Athelstan in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose - This well-known epigram may go some way in explaining how the still relatively new Order of Athelstan will propel itself forward in the immediate future.

St Paul's Church, its connections with Freemasonry and an unusual case of Masonic Graffiti.
Steven J. Smith - St Paul's Church in Covent Garden contains a plaque, dating from some three years after the dedication of the church - unremarkable - except that there is on it what can be described as a case of Masonic Graffiti.

The Mythology of the Prestonian Lectureship
Tony Harvey - Last year's Lecturer dispels some of the myths that have built up around the Prestonian Lecture.

Thoughts from the East - 'The Hidden Mysteries of Nature and Science'
Christopher Powell - The words 'nature' and 'science' are two of the most confusing words in our Masonic rituals.
Preserving the memory of the 'The Man Who Is Kind To Another'
Richard Rome Bealey - the man who wrote the words to the 'Master's Song'.

The Square Debate
Tony Baker - Very different views of Masonry are expressed by the Authentic and Esoteric schools of Masonic research.

The Royal Arch in 1813
Yasha Beresiner - A further explanation of the standing of the Order.

Fred Lomax - One of a series of 5-Minute Talks.

Brother Brother's Journal
Michael Halleran - Note on Introductions - The recollections of a nineteenth century American gentleman of the Craft.

The Hermetic Chapter of Spiritual Knight
John Paternoster - lvan Vladimirovich Lopukhin, an indefatigable propagator of Masonic and Rosicrucian ideals in Czarist Russia.

Letters and Emails to the Editor

Ashlar Chippings
Hugh O'Neill - Snippets of Masonic miscellanea.

Your Masonic Questions Answered
Graham Redman - Some interesting questions on Masonic procedure and protocol answered by the acknowledged expert in the field.

Freedom and Constraint
Julian Rees - In former centuries we were known, not as Freemasons, but as Free Masons - a subtle distinction but an important one.

Musings of an Old Mason - What makes a good, enjoyable meeting?
Three meetings all on the same day, but which one to go to?

Square Culture: Poetry and Art
The cultural side of Freemasonry.

A Peculiar system with mysterious Secrets
John Acaster - The 2014 Programme of the Manchester Association for Masonic Research invites reflection upon this subject.

Book Reviews
Richard Collins

200 Years of Royal Arch Freemasonry in England 1813-2013 - Yasha Beresiner

Lodge Sir Robert Moray No. 1641 - Occasional Papers - The First 25 Years
Freemasonry and the Press in the Twentieth Century - Paul Calderwood

Beyond the Call of Duty - Roger Penn

The QC Column
Gordon Davie - A regular update from the premier Lodge of Research.


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