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Becoming a Craftsman -The Masonic Tutor's Handbooks: Volume 3

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SKU: 979-8483674221
(Approx $9.35)
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Customer Reviews

The relationship between a Fellowcraft and their Master is how the traditional wisdom of our Craft is passed on. In the fifteenth century, when Freemasonry began, there was no formal education of craftsmen.
Training took place in working groups (lodges) where the fellowcrafts worked together with experienced Master Masons to receive continuous guidance, advice and support. The Master Builder would demonstrate and explain the task, and afterwards the Fellowcrafts would implement the master’s ideas whilst being guided and helped towards their own understanding.
This book is a practical guide for a Masonic Tutor to work with a new Fellowcraft to fulfil their duties to develop, encourage and nurture the understanding of the Fellowcrafts in their care.

It is the Third Volume in the Series

Paperback : 103 pages

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