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Chivalry : Origins and History of Orders of Knighthood (Paperback)

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Chivalry : Origins and History of Orders of Knighthood (Paperback)
Chivalry : Origins and History of Orders of Knighthood (Paperback)
Chivalry : Origins and History of Orders of Knighthood (Paperback)
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ISBN: 9780711034501
SKU: 9780853186106
(Approx $18.71)
In Stock In Stock
Customer Reviews

The Origins and History of the Orders of Knighthood. This book introduces the beginnings of the orders of knighthood in the early years of warriors on horses and the origins of chivalry, then investigates in turn the main Western orders of knighthood which have a connection in this country - the Knights of St John (also known as the Hospitalers or Knights of Malta), the Knights Templar (the Poor Soldiers of Christ), the Golden Fleece, the Roman Eagle, and the Most Noble Order of the Garter - as well as summarising the other significant orders of chivalry.

  • A complete history of the Orders of Knighthood from medieval armoured warriors to modern chivalry.
  • Beautifully illustrated with colour pictures.
  • Describes the varying methods of conferring knighthood throughout history.
  • Contains information on the symbolism of knights in their regalia and architecture.
  • Biographies of the greatest knights of old and figures who had great influence on chivalry.
  • Explores all major and lesser known orders of chivalry and their practices and traditions.


  • Paperback: 320 pages
  • ISBN-13: 9780853186106
  • Product Dimensions: 22.8 x 15.6 x 3 cm

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