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A Commentary on Goethe's Fairy Tale

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(Approx $243.18)
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A Commentary on Goethe's Fairy Tale

Goethe's Fairy Tale should be recognised as an important alchemical allegory. Although written in the closing decades of the 18th century, it has essential archetypal links with the classical alchemical allegories, such as the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosencreutz, which to some extent was used by Goethe as a model or at least a starting point for the construction of his Fairy Tale. It describes in universal terms the alchemical process of the conjunction of the opposites, the male and female facets of the Soul, and the Fairy Tale is charmingly written. For this edition, the Fairy Tale has been translated anew from the German by Donald Maclean. Previously only Thomas Carlyle's rather old-fashioned 19th century version was available. To this has been added an extensive commentary by Adam McLean.
Limited edition of 250 copies. 60 pages.

 A5 Hardbound.

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