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Freemasonry in the Eastern Archipelago volumes 1 & 2

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Freemasonry in the Eastern Archipelago volumes 1 & 2
Freemasonry in the Eastern Archipelago volumes 1 & 2
Freemasonry in the Eastern Archipelago volumes 1 & 2
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(Approx $124.71)
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Freemasonry in the Eastern Archipelago volumes 1 & 2

Freemasonry and the Eastern Archipelago Vol I & II W Bro Manoj Sharma's oeuvre in Freemasonry is a long list of contributions to the Craft over decades. In recent years we have been treated to a series of noteworthy studies and artistic opuses. Freemasonry in Singapore (2019), a play on the Masonic life of W Bro Sir Stamford Raffles (2019), the Freemasonry in Singapore Mural (2020/21), The Zetland in the East Lodge No 508 EC (2021), Freemasonry and the Eastern Archipelago Volume I (2022) and Freemasonry and the Eastern Archipelago Volume II (2023).

 These works were undertaken under the purview of the District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago (DGLEA). While the repertoire is impressive, the pinnacle of it is undoubtedly Freemasonry and the Eastern Archipelago Volume I & II 

Freemasonry and the Eastern Archipelago Volume I , a 216,006-word, 304-page monograph was launched at the Annual Communication Banquet of the DGLEA in December 2022 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by the District Grand Master. It covers the period from time immemorial to 1919. FATEA Vol II, a 298,138-word, 304-page treatise completed the work by concluding the narrative in London, England in April 2023. It was launched at the Half-Annual Communication Banquet of the DGLEA in June 2023 at Sentosa in Singapore. Collectively, the tomes, at more than 514,000 words, are more voluminous than JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy. The timeline for FATEA Vol I starts in 10,000 BCE. The book delves into the roots of Freemasonry and charts its progression from antiquity to the formation of the Premier Grand Lodge in 1717 in England. It thereafter offers a panoramic view of Freemasonry's expansion, detailing its challenges, pivotal moments, key figures, and geographic reach across Europe, India, China, Japan, Sumatra, Java, Penang, Singapore and the Federated Malay States in the Malay Peninsula The main chapters of FATEA Vol I are: Freemasonry Before the Grand Lodges Time Immemorial-1717 The Period of the Grand Lodges 1717-1813 Freemasonry Ventures East 11813-1845 The Genesis of the District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago 11845-1885 A District Established in Strength 11885-1919 FATEA. 

Vol II incorporates a compendium of substantial data and charts, to enrich the reader The English Royal Family & Freemasonry, The Eastern Archipelago Lodges Family Tree, Lodges of the Eastern Archipelago, Overseas Districts, Groups, and Lodges, English Meeting Places in the Eastern Archipelago, Our District Grand Masters, The Rulers of the Eastern Archipelago, Grand Masters & Royalty, DGLEA Lodges Membership Data and Grand Lodge Register & Certificates 2003-2021. Its chapters include: From Peace to War 1919-1945 War to Independence 1945-1967 The Eastern Archipelago Localises 11967-2000 Freemasonry in a New Millennium 12000-2022 FATEA Vol I & II are collectors' items. The elegance and expansiveness of historical prose are matched by the books' design aesthetic and meticulous craftsmanship. The cover is pristine white matte-laminated. It is adorned with a radiant matte gold debossed square and compasses, designed by the author in a golden ratio. An intricate outline of the Eastern Archipelago frames the Masonic symbol. The cover and spine which bears the title and author's name serve as an opulent invitation to the treasure trove of knowledge within. A mark of exclusivity, the front gold flyleaf presents a bespoke serial number ensconced within a golden frame. It proclaims each copy of each volume as unique among a mere 1,500 limited-edition counterparts. FATEA Vol I & II are the author's magnum opus. The scholarly masterpieces are a gift to the fraternity; an essential acquisition for the collection of all distinguished Freemasons.

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