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Notes for a Candidate for Freemasonry

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ISBN: 9690000038892
SKU: 000000000005
(Approx $0.61)
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Customer Reviews

Would one of your friends like to become a Mason? Does your lodge need something to give to potential initiates? 

When someone first considers becoming a Mason often they talk to those close to them and want to take the time to contemplate what they have been told. However, they may not remember every things aid to them or ask everything they want or need to know. Additionally it may be that what they are told is not quite right or they are given misinformation by others. 


This clear and concise pamphlet covers all the basics and a bit more, providing general information to those wishing to join the brotherhood and giving the potential candidate the opportunity to consider the order free from misconceptions. Topics covered include the main principles of the Craft, the requirements for joining and what is expected from members.

Produced by the prestigious QCCC this pocket pamphlet is a powerful aid in allowing the right men to have the opportunity to become Masons.


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