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The Complete Lodge Secretary

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ISBN: 9780853183273
SKU: 9780853183273
(Approx $12.46)
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The well-being of a Lodge largely depends upon its Secretary. He has a The Secretary occupies a vital role in the Lodge. He has a unique position in it, with a multitude or responsibilities and duties, which he has to undertake continuously throughout the year. In the past many Secretaries were permanent officers of the Lodges, with the benefits that an experienced Secretary would manage the affairs of the Lodge smoothly, but current thinking is that no one should serve for more than two years so that junior members can more quickly find a role in Lodges. The newcomers to this office often lack experience and this book is written to aid those new to the Secretary's position: to provide guidance and practical advice. Each major topic which needs some action on the part of the Secretary is given a chapter. The general principles in this practical guide also apply to the side degrees as well.

Binding Paperback

Format 210 x 148

Extent 160 pages

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